Wednesday, March 6, 2019


By Mike Brown, M.S.A.
Thank you for checking out this article about becoming a New York State Notary Public
and the licensing procedure.  The licensing process can be easy and fast or cumbersome
and slow to success, depending on the route you choose from the very beginning!
I have taught the Notary exam preparation classes for 17 years and have witnessed new
statutes and an increasingly difficult exam evolve from what once was easy like when I took
it back in the early 1980’s.  The people I get calls from (and I have had 27,000+ students)
are often told by some old notary like me to just get a law book and self-study because that
is what we did in the 1980’s.  Just tell them to pass my free online NY Notary practice exam
and pass it or you can not trust their antiquated and self-serving advice.
OK, now that the oldie failed it please tell them to look at the newest N.Y. Notary Public License Law
which has a 400% increase of new statutes to study since they passed.  Maybe they should do
one of our online N.Y. Notary Licensing refresher Courses or sit in our 5-hour live N.Y. Notary Public Licensing Classes so they do not get in trouble breaking the statutes due to their own ignorance.
it is not their fault.  The problem stems from the fact that in N.Y. there is no requirement for
continuing education or re-qualifying when they renew.  Problem is there are 4X the statutes!
Exam Statistics in 2018
Currently from the statistics we have been able to gather there is an approximately 60%+
failure rate on the 1 hour, 40 question statutes exam. People who take our exam prep classes
only repeat at less than 1%.  Our students report finishing in 10 – 20 minutes on average.  Go check
out our unsolicited testimonials!
Requirements for Notary Public licensing In N.Y.S.
  • Pass the 1 hour, 40 multiple choice question exams with 70% correct.
  • 18 years or older on date of taking oath of office up to 2 years after passing exam.
  • No recent felony and certain misdemeanor convictions.
  • Live or just have a job in N.Y.S.
  • Have a valid government ID with photo and signature like driver’s license.
  • Have Permanent resident Alien status.
  • Good moral character (does not include a credit check).
  • No special education requirements.  Just read the law and pass.

OK, there you have it.  The basic in’s and outs of getting licensed fast or failing and retaking
and hopefully not giving up until you found me!  If you have additional concerns or would
like more info please feel free to call me, Mike Brown at (347) 427-9091 or email me at

Get My Notary Public License

Many people call me and ask, “How do I get my Notary Public License?”
The process seems a little intimidating to most people I have spoken to over
the last 17 years I have taught the N.Y.S. Notary Public Exam preparation course.
After over 27,000 students I have come to understand that my students are usually
nice folks who haven’t taken an exam in a very long time and find the entire process
a little intimidating.  Don’t be scared, I am about to take away your fear factor!
You only need to score 70% on a one-hour, 40-multiple choice question exam!
You can miss 12 questions and still pass.  You do not need and special educational
requirements.  You only must be at least 18 years old.  You only need to live OR
only work in N.Y. state to qualify.  You do not even need to have a job to qualify if
you reside in N.Y.  You don’t need good credit and you can even have convictions and
still get licensed.  You do not even need to be a U.S. citizen because they accept those
with Permanent resident Alien status!
You can take the N.Y.S., 5-hour Notary Public Licensing classes in person or on-line.
The online NY Notary Public Class is the fastest way as it is self-paced and hosted on
a cloud platform so there is never anything to download unless you want to! Either
way you get ready, we have the same 99%+ no repeat ratio as per our
happy notary class students testimonials.
Now what is keeping you from getting your New York State Notary Public License?
Nothing, so don’t procrastinate.  Just do it! Sign-up for the class and take the weekly
exam in a city near you.  Our students finish it in 10 to 20 minutes.  After my class
it will be like getting a driver’s license.  Not at all scary and You Can Do-it!

Please call with any additional questions or concerns that you might still have:
Mike Brown
(347) 427-9091

Become A Notary in N.Y.

Why should I get a Notary Public License?  How Will it help me and my employer?
If you are asking yourself these questions it is likely because either somebody you
work with or for asked you to become the office notary public and you are now
researching what to do next.
Before you get the details, you should be aware that this will do three (3) Great
things for your personally and they are very good as follows:
1) It will give you a WINNER RESUME fast.
2) It will give you INSTANT RESPECT with your co-workers, employer and your
friends and family.
3) It will give you JOB-SECURITY whether you are currently employed or not.
OK, now you know why you are doing this and you are ready to see the qualifications list that you
need to get licensed.  Keep in Mind that once you get this license you will never need to requalify
if you renew it on time every 4 years ($60 renewal fee much like a driver’s license renewal process).
You are required to take a walk-in state exam at an exam testing location near you.  The exam schedule
includes the major cities on a weekly basis. Remember it is only a one-time exam so just do-it.  You
have 1 hour to answer 40 multiple-choice questions and the fee to enter is $15.00 at the door.
for exact schedules, locations and procedures please visit:
Exam Passing Statistics:
From the statistics I have gathered there is a 60% or greater failure rate on the exam unless
you take an examination preparation 5-hour class where the need to retake the exam drops
to less than 1%.  You can choose to self-study the N.Y.S. Notary Public Licensing Law and walk in
to the exam when you feel confident.  You might see the law and the above cited statistics and
decide it is a better plan for you to take the approved N.Y.S. Notary Public Licensing classes.
Either way, we wish you the very best luck in your self-improvement mission!
General N.Y.S. Notary Public Licensing Requirements:
1) No recent felony convictions or certain misdemeanors.
2) 18 years of age or older.
3) N.Y. residence or qualified non-resident resident. (work address in N.Y.)
4) Permanent resident Alien work status.
5) Knowledge of the Notary Law.  70% score on the exam.
(our students finish the 1 Hr. State exam in 10-20 minutes on average).
6) $15.00 exam fee for the department of State.
7) $60 first 4 years licensing fee if you pass!
Please note that all our students get free membership which means monthly refresher training
and law updates in your inbox!  There is no continuing education required once licensed, however
you really do not want to pass up this benefit. Please call (347) 427-9091 with questions!